Aaron Sinukoff
3 min readJan 3, 2022


A Year of Extremes

I am not sharing this reflection looking for pity or sympathy. We have all had differing degrees of unique challenges in our lives since March of 2020. Many have it significantly worse than I do. I try to stay grounded (often to a fault) with my perspectives, inherent biases and assumptions about the world, and empathize with others where I can.

Be kind to one another as we start into 2022, and a 3rd lockdown. Let’s get through the next three weeks together the best that we can…

…2021 was a Richter scale…

My job involved collaborating with countless colleagues to keep our business afloat during Year 2 of the pandemic in the live music and hospitality industry. It was challenging, but business was fine (relatively speaking). My clients put their trust in me and in our management to take care of them through thick and thin. We did. Eventually we opened our doors. Things really took off. Shows sold out and the public discovered what we’d been working for *years* to finally achieve as a department. It was really rewarding to see our hard work recognized and enjoyed by everyone… I had been making real progress playing the drums. I started playing baseball (not softball) again as a pitcher and third baseman after taking a decade off. I got out on the golf course and joined ClubLink as a full time member for the first time. By all appearances, life was good…

On August 21st, my grandfather passed away in his home, shortly after his food intake had been neglected by the hospital he was recovering at from an injury… This was the first significant family loss of my life. At the same time, I had poured my heart and soul into a job application that I was so confident in getting hired for, and wasn’t successful… I had also been extended a number of other job opportunities and interviews both internally and externally. It was hard to digest hearing both rejection and constant praise at the same time. I settled on the decision to leave my job of almost 8 years. I worked on so many projects and events, met inspirational people and friends, and shared more amazing memories than I will ever be able to describe.

I also decided to end my relationship after close to 2 years. To say it was a difficult choice would be putting it lightly. I moved back home for a few weeks, and moved out as soon as I could find a new place to live.

I took October to play in the World Series of Poker and cashed for about $11,000 overall in tournaments, while also having both the biggest wins and losses of my life in other cash games. Variance and luck aside, I know that I can play mixed games with the best in the poker players world and hold my own. The support I received from everyone back home paying attention to news updates was so incredible and unexpected. Hopefully 2022 brings with it a WSOP bracelet and a 6-figure score! I returned home for my 31st birthday, and got to celebrate with my best friends… twice! It was an incredible weekend.

This past year, I uprooted my life *3* separate times, and have had more time for self reflection than is really necessary. I started seeing a therapist much earlier in the year before all of these significant life events, and am grateful for her perspective — that in 2021 I wasn’t just going through more change than I was used to, but that it was maybe 3–4 times what a normal year might look like, in the period of a month or two. It wasn’t healthy or normal or sustainable, and it was OK to acknowledge that, and that there are only so many hours in the day. I credit my ex for getting me started on this journey of taking ownership over my time, energy and happiness. That said, it has been *really* difficult to look back at this year and all of the controllable decisions I have made, and uncontrollable factors surrounding them.

I’m not sure what the future holds at all… but I am more at peace, thankful for my family, all of my friends new and old, and extended network who have been in my corner at every turn. You know who you are. You are appreciated.




Aaron Sinukoff

♫…and music is my aeroplane, it's my aer-o-plane...♫